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  3. 隐私政策


当你在我们店里买东西的时候, 作为买卖过程的一部分, we collect the personal information you give us such as your name, 地址及电邮地址.

当您浏览我们的商店时, we also automatically receive your computer’s internet protocol (IP) address in order to provide us with information that helps us learn about your browser and operating system.

电子邮件营销(如果适用):征得您的同意, 我们可能会向您发送有关我们商店的电子邮件, 新产品和其他更新.



When you provide us with personal information to complete a transaction, 核实你的信用卡, 下订单, 安排送货或退货, we imply that you consent to our collecting it and using it for that specific reason only.

如果我们出于次要原因要求您提供个人信息, 喜欢市场营销, 我们要么直接征求您的明确同意, 或者给你一个说不的机会.


如果你选择加入, 你改变了主意, 您可以撤回同意我们与您联系, 为了继续收藏, 使用或披露您的信息, 在任何时候, 透过电邮与我们联络 Info@jidongchina.com or mailing us at: 舞团 印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯麦迪逊大道C套房6025号,邮编46227


We may disclose your personal information if we are required by law to do so or if you violate our Terms of Service.

第4条- 舞团

我们的商店是由hg0088app主办的. They provide us with the online e-commerce platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you.

您的数据将通过舞团的数据存储存储, 数据库和一般的the Dance Company应用程序. 他们将你的数据存储在防火墙后的安全服务器上.


如果您选择一个直接支付网关来完成您的购买, 那么hg0088app就会存储你的信用卡数据. It is encrypted through the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Your purchase transaction data is stored only as long as is necessary to complete your purchase transaction. After that is complete, your purchase transaction information is deleted.

All direct payment gateways adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, 这是Visa等品牌的共同努力, 万事达卡, 美国运通和发现.

PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers.

了解更多信息, you may also want to read 舞团’s Terms of Service here or Privacy Statement here.


在一般情况下, 我们使用的第三方供应商只会收集, use and disclose your information to the extent necessary to allow them to perform the services they provide to us.

然而, 某些第三方服务提供商, such as payment gateways and other payment transaction processors, have their own privacy policies in respect to the information we are required to provide to them for your purchase-related transactions.

对于这些提供者, we recommend that you read their privacy policies so you can understand the manner in which your personal information will be handled by these providers.

特别是, remember that certain providers may be located in or have facilities that are located in a different jurisdiction than either you or us. So if you elect to proceed with a transaction that involves the services of a third-party service provider, then your information may become subject to the laws of the jurisdiction(s) in which that service provider or its facilities are located.

举个例子, if you are located in Canada and your transaction is processed by a payment gateway located in the United States, then your personal information used in completing that transaction may be subject to disclosure under United States legislation, 包括爱国者法案.

Once you leave our store’s website or are redirected to a third-party website or application, you are no longer governed by this 隐私政策 or our website’s Terms of Service.


When you click on links on our store, they may direct you away from our site. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites and encourage you to read their privacy statements.


保护您的个人信息, we take reasonable precautions and follow industry best practices to make sure it is not inappropriately lost, 滥用, 访问, 披露, 改变或毁坏.

如果您向我们提供您的信用卡信息, the information is encrypted using secure socket layer technology (SSL) and stored with a AES-256 encryption. Although no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is 100% secure, we follow all PCI-DSS requirements and implement additional generally accepted industry standards.


这里是我们使用的cookie列表. We’ve listed them here so you can choose if you want to opt-out of cookies or not.

_session_id, 独特的令牌, 开会的, Allows 舞团 to store information about your session (referrer, 着陆页, 等).

_lsite_visit, 不持有资料, 从上次就诊开始持续30分钟, Used by our website provider’s internal stats tracker to record the number of visits

_lsite_uniq, 不持有资料, 第二天午夜(相对于访客)到期, 统计单个顾客访问商店的次数.

cart, 独特的令牌, persistent for 2 weeks, Stores information about the contents of your cart.


storefront_digest, 独特的令牌, 无限期如果商店有密码, 这用于确定当前访问者是否具有访问权限.


通过使用本网站, you represent that you are at least the age of majority in your state or province of residence, or that you are the age of majority in your state or province of residence and you have given us your consent to allow any of your minor dependents to use this site.


We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. 如果我们对这项政策做出重大改变, 我们会在这里通知你已经更新了, 以便您了解我们收集的信息, 我们如何使用它, 在什么情况下, 如果有任何, 我们使用和/或披露它.

如果我们的商店被其他公司收购或合并, your information may be transferred to the new owners so that we may continue to sell products to you.


如果你愿意:访问, 正确的, 修改或删除我们所拥有的有关您的任何个人信息, 登记投诉, or simply want more information contact our Privacy Compliance Officer at Info@jidongchina.com 或寄到舞蹈团
